Calling all adventurers! The library will be hosting a beginners' Dungeon & Dragon’s club on the third Wednesday of every month. 

This club will be geared towards youth ages 8 to 13 and will feature a new, one-shot adventure every month. Most adventures will be themed after popular book series (no prior knowledge required). 

Together our brave players will explore different worlds, complete dangerous quests and have lots of fun! This group is perfect for those wanting to try D&D for the first time or for those who enjoy playing with beginners. Pre-made characters, dice, a Dungeon Master, snacks and everything else will be provided. You just bring your imagination to play! 

All scenarios will be family-friendly. Some rules of play will be altered to fit the setting and ages of the players! Young children must be accompanied by an adult. 

Note: Please register children participating only; parents and caregivers do not need to register.

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