We offer professional exam supervision, including secure handling of your materials, monitoring at intervals, and all the small details to ensure your exam runs smoothly.

What We Offer

Some of our library locations provide exam supervision (sometimes called invigilation or proctoring) by appointment. This service includes:

  • Scheduling and receiving exams.
  • Printing and processing paper and online exams.
  • Timing and supervising your exam.
  • Ensuring that only permissible items are allowed in the exam area.
  • Monitoring at regular intervals throughout the exam.

Please Note: While we supervise your exam, we cannot provide uninterrupted observation during the entire test.

We offer exam supervision at the following locations:

Exam Supervision Fees
  • $30 for exams up to 3 hours.
  • $10 for each additional hour or portion of an hour.
  • Postage fees apply if mailing is required.

Book Your Exam

Fill out the form below, and a staff member will contact you within 2 business days to confirm your appointment.

Contact me by

Exam Format*

Choose your preferred exam supervision date(s).
Book early for best availability (at least two weeks in advance).


What times work best for you?

Select all that apply

*I acknowledge that my request is subject to availability and is not secured until I receive confirmation from FVRL.

We respect your privacy. All questions and interactions are confidential.