Reading Link Challenge (RLC) is a provincial program that promotes the "sport of reading" among grade four and five students. 

Library staff work with school librarians and teachers to recruit teams. Teams compete in a series of trivia-style challenges based on six books, which are changed every year.

Tournament Levels

  1. School Challenge: Teams from the same school compete against each other until there is one winning team.
  2. Library Challenge: Each winning team from the schools competes against each other until there is one winning team.
  3. Community Challenge: FVRL Library Challenge winning teams challenge each other.
  4. Grand Challenge: Winning teams from FVRL, Coquitlam, North Vancouver City, New Westminster and Surrey Library systems challenge each other to determine an overall winning team.
Want to Participate?

Teachers and school librarians in the Fraser Valley Regional Library service area should contact your local FVRL location to learn more.

Students and parents should talk to their teacher or school librarian to learn more about participating.

Image, Reading Link Challenge logo.
2023/2024 Winning Teams

Cheers to the champions of last year’s Reading Link Challenge—well done!

Grand Challenge Winners
  • First place: Rabbit Magic from Surrey
  • Second place: The Ruthless Readers from FVRL
  • Third place: The Evermore Readers from FVRL
Community Challenge Winners
  • FVRL winning teams: The Ruthless Readers from Abbotsford and the Evermore Readers from Langley.

Visit the Reading Link Challenge website for complete details about this provincial Reading Program.

Learn more about RLC